
Monday, May 17, 2010

Adventure awaits.....

Well its time to fill you in on our next adventure.
As of May 7th, 2010 - GT was out of the car business. Its a VeRy long story filled with lOtS of details, 
so I will spare you for now. 
But I will tell you that it was such a hUGe weight off GT's shoulders and 
yet heartbreaking to say goodbye, all at the same time. what?

I'm so glad you asked! We are selling everything in our house and moving to Mexico!!!

For rEaLS!!

GT is in the process of getting his Dive Master certification so he can take tourists 
on dive trips, and he already has a local Dive master 
who has agreed to team up with him. And I will be one of 3 Professional wedding photographers
from Cancun to Tulum, so I will stay plenty busy!

Living in Playa Del Carmen has been something we have dreamed about for the last 5 years,
and God has made it all possible. There is no way we could have pulled this off without God
opening EveRy dOoR along the way! I am still in a bit of shock
as I think about all the miraculous things God has done to make this possible.

I had no idea whether I would be able to part with all the things I had accumulated over the years. 
I thought I was pretty attached to my stuff!! But as I watched all my treasures walk out the door,
one after the other, I realized that the attachment was no longer there. 

I had the things that meant the very most to me, 
my salvation
my faith
my husband
my children
my brothers and sisters in Christ
my family
 my dog
and my cameras.
I don't really need anything else.

The kids are all very excited, and are already learning spanish with Rosetta Stone. Tyler does not know yet. We did not want him to worry or be anxious
so we decided it would be best to get to Mexico and get settled and then GT would pick him up early.
We are planning on renting/leasing our house until we decide if this will be a permanent
or temporary move. We have no idea what God has in store, so we are taking it one day
at a time, and trusting God to show us the way.

 I awake each day with excitement for discovering what God has in store for the day,
because everyday is proving to be a NeW adventure- I am simply the passenger...
God is leading our way. HOLD may get bumpy!

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